The Odor Answer Line: 800-558-6723

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Ozone Generator
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Car Ozone Generator

Car Ozone Generator

Ryan Kemp |

OdorFree Car Ozone Generator

Ozone generator machines have been used for many years in hotels, apartments, restaurants, and other enclosed areas to effectively remove odors, but these same odors develop in cars, trucks or other automobiles, too. Remove unwanted odors from vehicles with a car ozone generator from OdorFree Machines!

Cigarette smoke and most other organic odors can be removed from cars, trucks, RVs, buses and motor homes in as little as 20 minutes to a few hours with an auto ozone generator unit from OdorFree Machines.

Refresh and Restore Automobiles with the OdorFree Car Ozone Generator

Car dealers, detailers and automobile restoration experts all know the value of OdorFree ozone generator car odor removal. Instead of covering up smells with perfume-like air fresheners, eliminate odors altogether with the power of ozone. Whether you need to remove cigarette odor, pet odors, food odors, pollutant odors, or you simply want to restore that fresh "new car" smell, the OdorFree car ozone generator will take care of the problem.

How To Operate the OdorFree Car Ozone Generator

Simply place the OdorFree auto ozone generator inside the car, truck, van, bus or other vehicle and set the dial for 30 minutes to several hours (depending on the size of the vehicle and the severity of the odor). An extension cord should be used with one window left open a few inches to provide oxygen to the unit, with all other windows and doors closed. The O3 from the OdorFree car ozone generator will fill the interior of the vehicle, oxidizing odors at their source whether in fabrics, on surfaces or down in crevices, which makes it excellent for personal car treatment.

Once the time is up, open the windows to ventilate the interior of the vehicle. The O3 will revert back to O2 in about an hour if the O3 is unused. This leaves the vehicle smelling fresh with no artificial odors. See Car Odor Removal.

Help Car Owners Breathe Easier!

Take the OdorFree Trial today! Call the Odor Answer Line at 800-588-6723 to learn how an OdorFree ozone generator for car or trucks can remove unwanted odors in vehicles now.


The Odor Answer Line 1-800-683-9749

Call us for any questions you may have on how to treat particular odors or which model to choose.